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Dog First Aid, with Allison Pearson

For a long time now, I've wanted to draw some infographics for dog first aid, for 2 very important reasons:

1) When I convert written text into something visual, my brain seems to do much better at absorbing the information. It's always a niggle at the back of my thoughts, the "What If?" scenarios of being in an emergency situation and not having a clue how to save Sadie if she was in need.

2) I think this is so important, that it should be free of charge to everyone. When we repeatedly see a visual infographic, the information can go in subconsciously. As much as I genuinely hope that no one ever needs this information, it's so good to know it "just in case".

I am a member of 'Pets Get Visible', a wonderful group run by Rachel Spencer for dog related businesses. I posted in the group a couple of months ago to ask if there were any dog professionals who have qualifications and knowledge of dog first aid. I received a wonderful response from people happy to help, and the first person to reply was Allison Pearson, who is the founder of 'The Stressfree Groomer'

Allison very kindly sent me several pages of information of the up to date and correct procedures for various first aid scenarios. From this information, I designed and drew 8 infographics to illustrate Dog First Aid. All 8 are below. If anyone would like them in printable format, please do give me a shout. So long as they're for personal use I am more than happy to share...


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