Rachel Spencer is a Pet Business Coach and I’ve been a member of her ‘Pets Get Visible’ group for a year now. I love being a member, as it’s a wonderful supportive community of such varied pet businesses and likeminded dog lovers. A few months into my membership, Rachel approached me for a cartoon message for her social media and website.
Rachel says “I was looking for someone to capture what my Pets Get Visible membership was about in an illustration. There are lots of different elements so it was a challenge but as Helen is a member I knew she would be the best person to go to!”
When I draw a cartoon message for a business, it helps if there is a key message that the client can give me that they would like to be portrayed. Of her message, Rachel said “The key thing was to demonstrate to pet business owners who often feel stressed and overwhelmed when it comes to putting their work out there and talking about what they do that there is a supportive space you can turn to and get the help you need, and that you aren’t alone in feeling this way too.”
For Rachel’s cartoon, she already had an idea of how she wanted to be portrayed, but usually I am just given the message and then I come up with the cartoon. Either way works absolutely fine for me. Rachel explained “Helen knows me and knows how the membership works, and I put together the key elements of what’s included that I wanted to come across in the design, and a very vague idea I had about stepping stones, then left her to work her magic.”
She also loved the additional surprises in her cartoon. I often like to add extra touches to personalise the cartoon to the client. Rachel loved those finishing touches: “She was just brilliant. She captured it all so beautifully, with animals in the design and the expressions on the people, it is just incredible and I am made up with it.”
Explaining how she’s used her cartoon, and the impact that it’s had on her brand visibility, Rachel said: “I use it on the sign up page on my website, on social media and I’ve used it in email campaigns, and I’ve used it several times too. It’s useful for every launch or opening I do. It’s been really lovely seeing the feedback and comments when I’ve shared the post, particularly about the detail Helen has captured.”
If you’d like to commission me to draw a cartoon to portray a message for your business, you can find more information about it HERE and can contact me to book or for a no obligation chat HERE.
If you’re in two minds about have a Scotty’s Cartoon to send an important message to your brand audience, Rachel shared her feelings on it:
“Her work will blow you away. She is absolutely amazing at capturing what you want in ways you would never have thought of. Helen is so talented, and easy to work with, and she really cares about getting it right and making you something so special and original to you. She is so talented and a lovely person too, and it is wonderful seeing the impact her work is having on small businesses, she’s just fantastic.”
If you’re a pet business and would like to know more about Rachel’s services, you can find her on the following links:
Rachel's Website: https//rachelspencer.co.uk
Rachel's FREE Facebook Community: Your Pet Business Content Your Way Community
Rachel's Instagram: RachelSpencerUK